Inspiración semanal: 15 enero, 2021
enero 15, 2021
Inspiración semanal: 29 enero, 2021
enero 29, 2021

El contenido que he consultado esta semana sobre los temas que más me importan

Behind a Secret Deal Between Google and Facebook

Facebook was going to compete with Google for some advertising sales but backed away from the plan after the companies cut a preferential deal, according to court documents.

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The Covid era calls for brands to embrace human-centric visual identities

How things change. Not so long ago, brands were rushing to replace old visual identities with trendy, hard-edge designs, featuring minimalist, sans-serif, neo-grotesque typefaces. Think Audi. Think Rolling Stone. Think Burberry and YSL. But as brand refreshes just unveiled by Burger King and Pfizer demonstrate, something’s shifted – and it’s thanks to Covid-19.

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103 Content Ideas to Add to Your Editorial Calendar

Ever feel like you’re in a content rut? Feel like you finally have a great content marketing strategy, but you need some inspiration to kick-start your creativity? Trust us, we’ve been there before. Some days we can’t wait to jump into the content calendar and pour our ideas onto the pages. Other days … not so much.

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Telefonía móvil ¿Preocupado por la privacidad en WhatsApp? Aquí van otras tres alternativas

Whatsapp ha retrasado su decisión de compartir datos con su matriz fuera de la Unión Europea. No obstante, proponemos otras tres alternativas a la aplicación propiedad de Facebook

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Sarah Weise is a bestselling author, founder of the award-winning Bixa research studio, and has worked with some of the world's biggest brands. She recently turned her attention to the largest living generation, Generation Z, and her book, InstaBrain, is all about what makes them different and how to market to them.

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