Inspiración semanal: 17 septiembre, 2021
septiembre 17, 2021
Inspiración semanal: 01 oct, 2021
octubre 1, 2021

El contenido que he consultado esta semana sobre los temas que más me importan

Author Robin Landa on the Art of Advertising Textbooks, Interviewed by Greg Braun

Then one day I randomly received a book titled Advertising by Design by Robin Landa. I opened it with my usual skepticism and immediately found myself drawn in by its insight and inspiration. Basically, this was the advertising textbook I wished I'd had back when I was a student.

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Comprehensive Anatomy of All Design Thinking Workshops

An attempt to figure out the workshop nature once and for all

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The Most Hated Brands in Every Country

RAVE Reviews used the research tool SentiStrength to assess over a million brand-related tweets for positive or negative content. We calculated the hate rate (% of negative tweets) and ranked the brands by location and category to find the most hated brands in every country.

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4 ideas de negocio lucrativas que llaman la atención por su originalidad

Desde el desarrollo de algoritmos capaces de predecir con precisión la evolución de los valores bursátiles a corto plazo hasta una fórmula para monetizar tus contenidos en linkedin. Son algunas de las ideas que exponemos a continuación

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PODCAST | Episode 1: The myths of happiness with Bill Burnett

For most people the ingredients that go into a satisfying life are mysterious. Certainly career and relationships play a big role but they don’t always go as planned which makes satisfaction and happiness mercurial. Bill Burnett, Executive Director of the Design Program at Stanford, founder of Stanford’s Life Design Lab, and co-author of two best selling books Designing Your Life and Designing Your Work Life, thinks of life as a design problem that can be prototyped and iterated upon using design thinking.

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